Rama of the Axe

It is said that time is cyclical. All four Yugas happen multiple times, and therefore, all the stories we have heard and all the history we listen to repeats itself multiple times. One of the characters in our Puran, Kagbhusundi have seen many Ramayan and Mahabharat as he is gifted a boon to go beyond timeline by Shiva. This story of Parshuram that I read seemed more like one of those multiple stories that happened in a cycle of time than a fictional retelling of the Purana.

Ranjith's storytelling approach in the book immerses readers in a captivating narrative, reminiscent of the timeless stories from different cycles of time. The seamless integration of Sanskrit vocabulary, without overwhelming the reader, enhances the authenticity of the tale. The author's skillful narration maintains a delicate balance, neither diluting the traditional essence nor resorting to heavy Sanskrit usage. This balance ensures an enjoyable reading experience, making it accessible to readers across various backgrounds.

Unlike many retellings, where characters tend to be exaggerated or distorted, Ranjith masterfully presents the characters in a balanced manner. The author's attention to small but interesting details adds a refreshing perspective to the storyline, making it feel like an authentic account from another timeline. Readers will appreciate the realistic portrayal of the characters, which allows for a deeper connection with their journeys and experiences throughout the book.

"Rama of The Axe" skillfully incorporates important thoughts without turning them into moralistic tales. Ranjith adeptly presents these ideas, encouraging readers to reflect upon them rather than dictating them as definitive life lessons. The author preserves the essence of our puranas, which compel readers to think and explore deeper meanings behind the narratives. This subtle and thought-provoking approach sets the book apart, creating an enriching reading experience.

In the end I would say that this book offers a fresh perspective on the story of Parshuram, allowing readers to explore the lesser-known aspects of this divine figure. I highly recommend this gem to anyone seeking an enlightening and immersive reading experience.


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