Spreading Joy

This Book is definitely 'Spreading Joy' in the hearts of the reader with its amazing story. The storytelling approach is fantastic, resembling a hub of tiny stories, each with its unique emotional flavor and insightful lessons. The historical and geographical context adds depth to the book, enhancing its interest and engagement.

For instance, I was unaware that before Surat in Gujarat became the diamond capital of Bharat, Thrissur in Kerala played a crucial role in cutting and polishing diamonds. Its decline resulted from unionism triggered by the Community Government, which assumed power in 1957 after the leftist movement of the 1940s.

The author's journey, akin to a captivating movie plot but more fascinating as it's real, imparts valuable lessons about business, places, people, relationships, and navigating challenging situations.

Insights about marketing, people management, market penetration, aligning business with strengths, and often-overlooked aspects like succession planning make for a thought-provoking read.

The straightforward narration and to-the-point style ensure the book's accessibility to readers of all kinds. This enlightening memoir promises to linger in the reader's memory.


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