25 Lessons for Intellectual and Spiritual Freedom
Within first few pages only I realised that it is deep & amazing book. So, I decided to sip it little bit everyday to enjoy it fully. 25 short sweet chapters in 25 days.
My morning started with this. A beautiful thought which make me think about it whole day and It was totally worth it because it helped me realise what I have forgotten.
I have read Geeta & Bhagvat Puran. And this small book resonate with those ideas fully. So, I got all those memories back which faded in time of wisdom and life.
The way spirituallity and life is interconnected is told here perfectly. And even if it is told again and again I want to say it again; we should not wait to seek spritiuality till old age but start the journey in childhood only.
Then only we can live peaceful and happy life which we all ultimately seeking. Instead of regreting in later years of life why didn't we try to find out the answers we were seeking deeply for in our mind whole life.
The topics are devided in 3 stages of Creation - Distroying - Creation (again). Each chapter is deep enough to make you think. That's why even if it's a small book it takes time not to read but to understand the deeper meaning of that.
But that doesn't mean it is heavy. It is so simple that I recommend it to children, too. And when they get questions around the topics covered, they can get deeper with work of Swami Vivekananda, Bhagvat Puran & different Upnishad.
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